Welcome in out of the cold once more my friends. Blow a nice warming breath onto your blue tinged fingers, and pull a stool up around the fire. You'll soon warm up.
So, are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin; I have a little story to tell you.
As regular readers may recall a few weeks back I referred to Northern Spanking as my current favourite paysite, and promised a review in the near future.
More recently I contacted Paul at Northern Spanking, to advise him of my intention to produce a full review; he politely asked if I would mind holding off as they are currently planning a major revamp of the website, which is looking a little old. Naturally I agreed to this most reasonable request, and, rest assured, once the work has been undertaken, I will produce a proper assessment of the new look site.
For now though I had promised a look at Northern Spanking, and I intend to give you a flavour of just why I do enjoy it so much; I'd hate to disappoint any of you perched there eagerly on the edge of your seats!
So, a little background; NS is a long established site, with masses of material. The oldest items currently hosted there date back to June 2003.
The early entries are all photo galleries, which show a good deal of invention. The move to producing videos was made around 12 months later, the first being Sunstroke, with Morgan Taylor and Sam Jones. Since then they have continued to produce a mix of stills and live action updates.
The site updates more or less daily, with most videos being in 3 or 4 parts. The earliest ones are available for download in WMV, although the majority are in the better MP4 format. File sizes vary widely; the largest I can recall downloading being 379 meg for a 13 minute video.
Picture and sound quality are fine, and virtually all videos are shot with multiple angles. The clips are very well edited, with a nice smooth flow, and a good structure.
Having said that most videos have multiple parts there is a series of stand alone clips which are collected under the banner of SSS - short sharp shocks. These are videos with little build up before the action gets underway, and they often seem to have been suggested by the models themselves.
Who are the models? The site boasts that they do not use professionals, just girls who are into spanking. This may have been true in the early days but now a number of the better known UK based spanking models appear.
Actually the list of spankees is comprehensive; all of the names you might hope to see appear (Amelia Jane Rutherford, Leia-Ann Woods, Pandora Blake, Kami Robertson, Jadie Reece, Jean Bradley, Lucy McLean and Elizabeth Simpson for example) do so, along with a large number of spankees I've only ever seen here. There are also a number of US guest stars ( such as Sarah Gregory, Erica Scott, Niki Flynn and Zille Defeu).
Looking over the list on the site I now feel guilty for all of the other great spanking models I haven't mentioned; there really are a lot of great spankees here.
I'm not sure exactly how many separate videos there are but I have over 28 gig of downloads from the site, and there is still stuff that I haven't gotten to yet, not to mention the huge number of still galleries which do not relate to any of the films.
There are a number of videos which feature a pretty much original premise, no mean feat with the number produced; I love the fairy godmother clip, and the hilarious twins video. There's a great cat burglar one with Niki Flynn and two delightful Democracy in Action stories with Sascha Harvey. I could spend all day listing particular favourites, but I think I'll just leave it with a note that there is masses of entertaining stuff.
Spankings tend to start off mild, over clothing, but building up in intensity; there is a wide variety of implements used, including canes, slippers, tawses (to both hands and bottoms) and, of course, the trusty hand. There is also, mainly in the older material, some BDSM and lesbian stuff (a lot of which stars the divine Miss Woods). The site designers go out of their way to warn subscribers whenever there is anything other than straight spanking material present.
The majority of videos are M/F, but there is also a significant amount of F/F. The spankers are generally very good, and in fact two of the better UK male tops feature extensively (Stephen Lewis and Paul Kennedy). The two primary female tops are Lucy McLean and Amy Hunter, both of who are great.
The overriding feel of the videos here is that the participants are having fun. This it the type of intangible factor that is hard to back up, but it's not hard to see. In particular there are a large number of outtakes provided which suggest it.
Each of the spankees featured is encouraged to write a few words about themselves, and they often comment on how much they have enjoyed their involvement. The fact that so many models make repeated return appearances suggests a comfortable working environment, and the vast majority of clips seem somehow to be good humoured.
This is in addition to the fun videos that use actual humour.
So there you have it; great fun videos with a wonderful range of spanking stars; why wouldn't you like the site? I have no idea. Go on, give it a try why don't you? The recurring cost is around £16.75 per month (US$24.95) and there really is more material than any other site I know.
Northern Spanking - it may be grim up North but at least there are warm bottoms to cheer us up!
All the best
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